Air Force Evaluated Exercise Of Arizona Wing

Post date: Apr 28, 2015 12:5:39 AM

Highest rating of OUTSTANDING for second inspection of the Arizona Wing in less than four years !

9 members of 388th Composite Squadron, 3 cadets and 6 seniors, participated in the Saturday, 25 April, 12 hour Air Force evaluation of Arizona Wing's capability to perform our emergency services mission.  Multiple aircraft and ground teams were active across the state along with command and control elements from multiple locations.

The Glendale aircraft and 3 member crew were highly successful as they flew several several operational tasking that stretched their search and rescue abilities.  Additionally, the Glendale aircrew was retasked to fly out of Falcon Field on a special support mission that successfully met all mission objectives.

3 cadets and 2 senior members provided vital support to the Incident Command Post (ICP). The cadets, a key part of building security operations, were commended by AF inspectors for their day long dedicated effort and vigilance.  The two finance/admin members received special recognition for 100% personnel accountability every hour, including during a simulated evacuation of ICP.