4 Cadets Attend CAP Summer Activites!
Post date: Aug 27, 2015 9:29:33 PM
4 cadets from the Glendale Composite Squadron attended Civil Air Patrol summer activites.
C/Col Klara Olcott attended:
2) Undergraduate Pilot Training Familiarization Course at Columbus AFB in Columbus, Mississippi: This activity will put you through simulated pilot training in one week. We will simulate many of the training events that a real USAF student goes through. Aerospace physiology, aircraft system classes, memorization of emergency procedures, and simulators. One day is devoted to reporting with a USAF pilot training flight where you will be quizzed on emergency procedure memory items and then shadow a SUPT student for part of a day. SUPTFC is conducted by USAF Reserve Officers, who are all Air Force pilots and we have a wide variety of USAF flying backgrounds.
1) Hawk Mountain Search And Rescue School as cadet staff in Kempton, Pennsylvania: The school is conducted outdoors in the mountains of Pennsylvania under field conditions and is very physically demanding. Curriculum includes but not limited to: navigation, search techniques & equipment, communication skills, woodsmanship, campsite selection & equipment, first aid, patient evacuation, specialized equipment, health & nutrition, and survival skills. In addition to the practical skills, leadership and character development are also emphasized.
3) International Air Cadet Exchange in Tel Aviv, Israel: Each summer, hundreds of cadets from eighteen nations come together to broaden their understanding of aviation and foreign cultures through the International Air Cadet Exchange (IACE). The International Air Cadet Exchange is a life-shaping experience. You will meet people from around the world who share the Exchange’s goal of promoting goodwill and fellowship through the common interest of aviation. You will receive special access to factories, airports, engineering laboratories, and government agencies; learning about how your host country contributes to the aviation community.
C/Capt Emilee Mandile attended:
National Blue Beret in Oshkosh, Wisconsin: Participants at National Blue Beret have the chance to work at one of the largest and most prestigious air shows in the world. CAP and EAA will provide training for you to help support the air show. Each participant will work in several areas including the flight line and exhibits. Training will include techniques of aircraft marshaling and electronic direction finding. Cadets will be encouraged to take advantage of once-in-a-lifetime events that often occur during the air show.
C/CMSgt Alexander Kaufmann attended:
Great Lakes Region Powered Flight Academy in Oshkosh, Wisconsin:Aspiring pilots receive formal ground instruction and cockpit time with a certified flight instructor. The learning environment is specially designed for cadets, and the low instructor to student ratio provides opportunities for mentoring and individual attention. Participants in powered flight academies receive 10 hours of “hands on” flight time learning the basics of flying a Cessna 172, 25 hours of ground instruction, and the opportunity to fly as an observer when other cadets receive instruction. Most cadets receive the opportunity to solo at the end of the academy, which C/Kaufmann did successfully.
C/SSgt Matthew Hirsch attended:
National Emergency Services Academy in Camp Atterbury, Indiana:The Basic Course is an intensive combination of classroom and field training that provides students with the opportunity to complete all requirements for a Basic Ground Team Member rating, including Basic First Aid and Basic Communications User Training. This course will include overnights in the field, search operations, and cross-country travel. Students will be required to construct and sleep in field expedient shelters; no tents are allowed.