Awards and Promotion December 2019
Post date: Jan 12, 2020 8:36:57 PM
388th Composite Squadron promoted the Following during Decembers Ceremony. Cadet Airman Green, Cadet Airman Weihert, Cadet Airman Tuhy, Cadet Airman Cisneros Salma,Cadet Airman Cisneros, Sandra, Cadet Airman First Class Williams, Cadet Airman First Class Hernandez, A. Cadet Senior Airman Horn , Cadet Chief Master Sergeant Bustamante and Cadet 2nd Lt Wilmoth. For Awards, Cadet Senior Airman Horn Received her Basic STEM Badge and Cadet 2nd Lt Wilmoth was awarded his Intermediate STEM Badge. We had four Cadets receive their First Flight Certificates, Cad
et Airman Tuhy, Taylor, Murphey, and Cadet Airman Moseley